Growing from this Place Subject: When the water is my best option
In this week’s edition of Growing from this Place Bible Study, Pastor Jonathan McKnight looks into the concept of making the decision to step out on faith and trust God in doing something great even when there are risks and uncertainty involved. He prefaces the study by relating this concept to the idea of rather than staying in boat, you can step out on faith like Peter did, and walk on water. Here in this case, using faith to step into the water was the better option than staying in the boat in fear. Here are the key points of this week’s study:
- Often in life, when it comes is time to trust God, things are unstable.
- It’s hard to grow from places where things are unstable, challenging or there is conflict.
- In some cases, the directions in which God sends us it appears that we are in it by ourselves.
- (Question) What do you do when you get into a situation and the thing you are working with that could be a goal, a dream, or idea that you thought was going to get you to success, controversy and adversity shows it’s ugly head in your journey?
- Sometimes, when God sends you in direction of adversity, it would appear you are going in the wrong direction when you think it would be smooth sailing.
- In moments when you are going through the waves of life, the road of adversity that God has on, things appear to get darker and darker.
- There are times in life, when it looks like it’s trouble, God is in the middle of it.
- Your answer to your prayers can sometimes be wrapped up in the storm, the conflict or the adversity.
- Many times, when you are going through life, you can often let fear to misconstrue your eyesight, discernment or keenness because you can’t believe that God is during a troubling situation.

- God will not remove anything out of your life without replacing it with something better.
- When it seems like things are not working out, you must trust God even when you don’t know what He’s doing because fear can set up torment.
- The x-factor of God is when you want to know if it’s God moving in your life, you must make a move and walk with Him.
- When you began to move in God and God wants to do something great in your life, you may not be able to see clearly what He is doing.
- You must trust in what He is doing.
- Sometimes humanity kicks in within the middle of spirituality.
- If you decided that you are going to win in life, and you are going to win with God, you must step out of the boat, because the water is your best option.
- Even you begin to sink in the water or fail, you still have an option to cry out to the Lord and He will save you.
- It’s not about how you left the boat or troubling situation, but about how you came back from walking on water (trusting) with God looking better than before you left.
Scripture Reference
Matthew 14: 22-33, Hebrews 11:1