Jesus Kids University is a ministry that is designed to educate young people on how to apply spiritual and practical principles with the desired outcome of winning souls to the Kingdom of God. Youth are introduced to a process by which they make and take time to give of themselves in a totally unselfish manner.
They will be trained to win as many souls as possible from the traps of the enemy (e.g. drugs, alcohol, sexual promiscuity, violence, depression, etc.). Among the primary intents of JKU is for the Word of God to flow through them and to them (youth-to-youth).
Whether via the ministry of music, one-on-one conversations, visiting jails, nursing homes, hospitals or malls, at choir rehearsals or prayer meetings, the objective of JKU is to instill in our youth the motto that,
“Every place is the right place and any time is the right time to reach out and touch another young person’s life with the love of Jesus Christ in order to make a supernatural difference.” — Pastor Jonathan L. McKnight