Bible Study – 4/04/19

Growing from this Place Subject: Winners are not those who fail, but those who don’t quit

In this week’s edition of Growing from this Place Bible Study, filling in for Pastor Jonathan McKnight Pastor Thomas Robinson takes a look at the idea of understand that you are winner. In spite of what you are going or have been through, or how many times you failed at something, you are still a winner as long as you don’t give up. Here are the key points of this week’s study:

  • Sometimes in life you know that you are going to win and that you were called to win, but you find yourself trying to fight to win.
  • Sometimes you have to tell yourself that you are a winner even when it seems like you are losing.
  • Knowing that you were called to win by God, is important to understand that failure is not option because in God, there is no failure.
  • Whatever your day brings just know that God will not put no more on you than you can bear, because designed to win.
  • No matter what your situation is and/or if you have experienced some type of failure in your life, you are still a winner if you don’t quit.
  • Failure is not final until you finally fail.
  • Winning has to be a mindset (i.e. How you think, how you see it, I’m not quitting until it’s over and saying to yourself, “I have more time”)
  • You have to remind yourself daily that you are a winner even when others speaking something differently.
  • Oftentimes, people see your crucifixion and not your resurrection. In other words, they see what you are going through, but they don’t see you coming out.


  1. They have an ability to take the initiative to explore numerous possibilities. They have a method for solving problems. They are not married to goals – goals will change but your plans will not. They understand that God knows the plan for their life
  2. They never take stuff from those that are behind them. They understand that their dreams will never be anything to those who’s dreams are smaller than theirs. They don’t hang around the wrong, small-minded people but those that will challenge them. They realize that the moment the wrong people leave their life, wrong things will stop happening. In contrast, the moment right people start to enter their life, right things will start to happen.
  3. They never wait for others to make a change. They make decisions for themselves that will cause them to win. They know what it means to have the mindset that they will win regardless of what others may say, think or see.

Scripture Reference
Romans 8: 28; 2 Thessalonians 2: 14