June – Prayer is the prerequisite for a divine, supernatural release.
Trusting in God for something that is bigger than you and your capabilities is not easy. We often rely to heavily on our own natural abilities to obtain something that requires a supernatural, or better yet, divine intervention to acquire it.
When we spend so much of our time and effort trying to figure how we are going to do something that appears to be impossible without a God that knows no impossibilities, fear and doubt sets in. It leads us to believe that we will never be able to achieve better things in life and we began to lose hope.
However, it is only through consistent communication with God through prayer, where we become aware of His plans, understand of His timing and realize that He’s the best option for releasing those things we desire to have but are unable to get on our own. In order for us to achieve the impossible, whether it’s looking for a new car with no money for a suitable down payment, or not having good enough credit to purchase a home, we must tap into the supernatural and that can only be done through engaging with God through prayer.
Scripture Reference
Matthew 18:18-20