Bible Study – 8/29/19

Growing from this Place Subject: Winning when it looks like we are running out of time

In this week’s edition of Growing from this Place Bible Study, Pastor Jonathan McKnight looks into the concept of winning through a situation when it appears you are running out of time. He prefaces the study by highlighting that many times, when you are going through life, you often wonder how you can handle or recover from when something seems like it’s taking a turn for worst and that you are running out of time.

He presents a couple of questions that often surface when it appears we are running out of time when ask, “How do you respond when you are waiting on God, on help or relief and you feel like you are running out of time? How much time do you have left when it looks like chaos, lack, frustration, abandonment and pain are driving the situation?” Here are the key points of this week’s study:

  • Looking at the watch of your destiny, your purpose and future and it seems like your dreams, efforts and wishes are running out of time.
  • It appears like complacency are gaining ground on your belief system and compromise is trying to overtake you and tries to break.
  • You often wonder, how much time do you have left, and what is the best move that you can make in the situation. It feels like you are dealing with extended torment.
  • Oftentimes, you can allow things to frustrate you to where it appears you are being driven by anxiety and stress.
  • If you sit and continue to listen to voices of the enemy, your spirit will continually be broken, your destiny will appear to be faint and your purpose will look like it is failing.
  • You can’t allow your faith to turn into fear, because all fear does is painfully waste your time.
  • So many times, you can give so much credence to your past or who might have not like you.
  • You can’t frivolously waste time on foolishness and drama.
  • Sometimes you can invest to much energy and time going after senseless things or people that you think are going to make you happy and realize that you’re not winning when it comes to time.
  • If you are going to use your time wisely, you are going to have to connect to someone that even if they don’t do it, you know that they can do it.
  • Sometimes you have to take a moment and ask yourself, “What are the people that frustrate you the most or have the most to say about your future, contributing to your life?”
  • The enemy knows how to orchestrate you to waste time to where you are not connecting to Jesus and not connect God and your purpose.
  • You must seek and find God even when it seems like He is in secret places, but you have to have a pure heart because only the pure in heart shall see God.
  • People want to get things done, but they want to get it done without heart. You heart is truly a reflection of what you believe and who you are.
  • So many people want God, until He says, “Wait, not right now or process.” When your heart is right towards God and you are seeking Him and you have a situation that you know that only He can handle, you find Him.
  • You have to move in faith because fear, stress, anxiety and panic is wasting your time. If you are going to lose time, you would rather lose time with God, because He is eternal. He controls time.
  • When come to God for any situation you need Him to change when it appears you are running out of time, you have to come to God with a right heart, humility and faith.
  • When God speaks something in your life and He says it’s done, you go and watch what He’s done and believe Him all the way home.

Scripture Reference
Mark 7: 24-30