Pastor Jonathan L. McKnight
January 16, 2022
You Get the Glory
January 16, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Pastor Jonathan McKnight delivers an amazing message that expresses the importance of ensuring that God get the glory, regardless of what or how things look. As believers, we should be accustomed to the fact that there will be trials and tribulations we will face throughout our Christian journey. There will be hard times, difficult situations, and trying circumstances to come that will test our faith in God and our willingness to keep worshipping, praising, and honoring Him. However, we must keep it in our hearts and minds that no matter how challenging it currently is or will be, God shall always get the glory. If we continue to glorify His name in the midst of the pain, He will surely bring us out of whatever we’re in, and we will then begin to see His abundant blessings start to rain.