Pastor Jonathan L. McKnight
July 10, 2022
The Search Is Over
July 10, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Pastor Jonathan McKnight delivers an incredible message that points to the fact that whatever we’re searching for in life can found in God. When we seek God, and His righteousness, then our search for everything else we may need, want and/or desire will be over. Because, God knows what we have need of, what we may want, and desire, even before they come to our minds, and we inquire about them. If we allow His son Jesus to be our Shepherd, then we shall not want for anything. If we delight ourselves in Him, then He will give us the desires of heart. And lastly, if we believe and take God at His word, then we won’t have to worry about needs, because He promised to supply all our needs according to His riches and glory. With knowing all of this, what else are we searching for?