Pastor Jonathan L. McKnight
November 28, 2021
Outpatient Surgery
November 28, 2021 at 10:00 AM
Pastor Jonathan McKnight delivers a profound messages that details the importance of allowing God to perform outpatient surgery on us, so that we can be all that He desires us to be. Oftentimes, when we are going through or have gone through trying situations, they typically leave us confused, battered, and scarred. And if we are not careful, the scars of our past can have the ability to affect our present, and our future in a negative way. That is why in this message, we are encouraged to allow God to come in heal us from the wounds of our past and in some cases, our present, so that our bright futures won’t be compromised. It is important to make up in our minds right now to forgive those that wronged us, let go of the pains, and the guilt of bad choices from the past, and let God perform outpatient surgery on us, so that we can move forward to a better life, and a better future for ourselves.