Pastor Jonathan L. McKnight
August 28, 2022
It’s Best to Let God Speak
August 28, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Pastor Jonathan McKnight delivers a spiritually intimate message on the importance of knowing that it’s best to let God speak to us in our lives, more than listening to those of others. When dealing with situations, circumstances, and difficult matters, we often give ear to other voices, both spiritually and naturally, to help us figure out things going on in our lives. We look to other people for guidance and understanding for what’s going on around us or going on with us. We tune into voices we hear across the television, podcasts, and social media, rather than tune into the voice of God for direction, and understanding of how to navigate our personal matters, and those of our community and global concerns. When we pray, we often leave from it with no closure or guidance, because we make prayer more about us and fail to make prayer a two-way conversation as God meant it to be. So, if we want to know more about how to approach and manage our personal matters, and make sense of our global struggles, we must make time for God to speak to us through the voice of the Holy Ghost, so that He can lead us and guides us unto all truth and help us move in the best way possible.