Pastor Jonathan L. McKnight
March 27, 2022
Fruit Don’t Lie
March 27, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Pastor Jonathan McKnight delivers a remarkable and informative message that our fruit don’t lie. This may draw some questions as to what is meant by the phrase “fruit don’t lie”, but Pastor McKnight clearly explains that whatever fruits we bare on the inside will surely expose themselves on the outside. As believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we should be baring the fruits of the Spirit, like love, joy, peace, meekness, faith, and so forth on the inside, and they should reflect on the outside through our interactions with others and life situations. However, to the contrary, if we are harboring fruits of anger, hate, evil, bitterness, and contempt, those to will reflect on the outside and contradict the characteristics of what Jesus represents. If we plant an orange seed, we cannot expect for apples to come up. Therefore, we as Christians cannot have seeds of hatred, and bitterness planted in our hearts and expect love and goodness to automatically come out of us. Simply because the fruits we bare on the inside, will not lie on us on the outside.