Pastor Jonathan L. McKnight
October 10, 2021
A Miracle Mindset
October 10, 2021 at 10:00 AM
Pastor Jonathan McKnight delivers a passionate message that encourages us to not only obtain, but maintain a miracle mindset when it comes to believing in God to do the miraculous in our lives. There will be moments in our lives that will be so dark, and so gloomy to the point that it will be difficult for us to believe that God is going to bring us out of problem, situation, or circumstance. It is in these moments where will have to be cautious, because in these times, Satan will try to get in our minds for the purpose to trick us into believing that there is no hope, that God has forgotten us, and our miracle is not on the way. That is why it is imperative that when this happens, we must turn up our faith, and put on a miracle mindset and believe that regardless of how bad things may appear, our miracles are no longer on the way, but that they’re already here.